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I am a principle in the latest and soon to be leader in all things related to gear… EDC Central

EDC Central’s Mission is to provide a one stop shop for the discussion of all types of gear including guns, knives, packs, electronics, clothes, watches, flashlights, you name it. We are able to accomplish using team which is made up of subject matter experts in everything from photography to self-defense.

We are currently accepting applications for advertising. See, we do things a little different. We are not going to just sell you a banner and stick it somewhere. We provide you with your very own forum to interact with your customers in a real time fashion. You can do all sorts of things from receiving feedback to launching new products. In addition to your own forum you also get a banner on our blog and the ability to post your product news there as well.

Got a great product but don’t know how to get it in front of people? Have our staff review it and have it photographed by Pho-Tac.

Contact us today at 717-889-1753 and let us help your reach new customers.

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